Security and Smart Card Manufacturing Industry


CardServ is an Australian plastic card and ID manufacturing company that has been in operations for over two decades. It provides a wide range of solutions, from ID card printers to customized plastic card solutions. It is one of the leading players in this space, primarily servicing businesses in Australia and New Zealand. It also offers expert advice and solutions on design, data management and generation, ID cards, Data card printers and other areas under plastic card production.

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Tech Stack

  • React

  • Node

  • Firebase

  • React Native

Client MobileIDLab
Industry Security and Smart Card Manufacturing
Services Provided UI/UX Development, Website Development, Application Development

The Challenge

Some pertinent challenges we identified were:

  • 1

    Can we create a digital platform where CardServ can onboard customers who want to create digital IDs?
  • 2

    Can we create a simple and easy to use functionality for customers to design their ID cards?
  • 3

    Can we automatically generate all the ID cards after finalizing the design by feeding the employee data into the system?
  • 4

    Can we provide a comprehensive list of security features associated with the ID card?